


A. Takahashi
Dynamics of photoinduced phase transition in dimer Mott insulators
Collaborative Conference on 3D & Materials Research (CC3DMR)(June 2013, Korea)
A. Takahashi
Dynamics of photoinduced insulator-metal transition in one-dimensional Mott insulators
3rd International Conference on Photo-Induced Phase Transitions and Cooperative Phenomena(November 2008, Japan)
高橋 聡
A. Takahashi
Transient optical response of strongly correlated low-dimensional
The 14 th International Conference on Luminescence (July 2005, Beijing, China)
A. Takahashi
The Reduced Density Matrix in Quantum Chemistry.
アメリカ物理学会 ( March,1994)
A. Takahashi
Quantum Lattice Fluctuations in the Exactly Half-filled and Nearly Hal f-filled Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Model.
International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals (ICSM) ( Aug,1992)